Kvothekiller Chronicles
We make fun of Patrick Rothfuss
2 years ago

S2E5 - Orientalism for Women

Monkeys Pog

This week, on KvKc: Patrick writes the boring D&D campaign section of the book, Denna writes the Bohemian Rhapsody of Kvotheworld, Kvothe does extremely cool and sick and awesome Blood Magic crimes, and your hosts announce our new line of Patrick Rothfuss themed lipsticks!

The Kvothekillers are played by:

Summer, of My Podcabbages - Did the show art and you can comission them! Sarah, of Pod of Greed and Never Believe It - Also did the show art but you cant comission them. Robyn, of Who Watches the Watch and Fred Says Fuck. Janos, of A Song of Babies and Puppies and Lynchpin. Daniel, from Academic Elitism.

The Podcast on Twitter

NB: This podcast is not suitable for consumption by fans of Mr Rothfuss