Kvothekiller Chronicles
We make fun of Patrick Rothfuss
4 years ago

S1E3 - Child! at the University


This week we get into University!! Congraduations to us!! Wait - why is there a CHILD here??

In our discussion of chapters 26 - 54 we uncover Pat's plagarism of Yugioh GX, explore Arkham Asylum with the Joker, and determine that Fire Emblem Three Houses is the greatest story ever told, using the metric "how many shippable characters are there?".

We also cautiously broach the topic of..... "Portrayal of Women in Patrick Rothfuss' Kingkiller Chronicle" (and by cautiously broach i mean 'become justifiably enraged by').

[EDIT: The podcast has a twitter now: @killer_kvothe]

The Kvothekillers are played by:

Summer, of My Podcabbages - Did the show art and you can comission them! Sarah, of Pod of Greed and Never Believe It - Also did the show art but you cant comission them. Robyn (formerly known as Lucy), of Who Watches the Watch and Fred Says Fuck. Janos, of A Song of Babies and Puppies and Lynchpin. Daniel, wants you to please read Olga Tokarczuck

NB: This episode contains discussion of sexual assault. Or i should say - more discussion of sexual assault than usual. why is pat Like This.